Tuesday, 31 May 2011

The larkish tale of the asylum, the speedo's and the dog shaped bog brush!

My dearest darling Book Sniffers!
I am back from my travels the life of a hobo is not for me as one expected so I am most pleaded to be safely tucked up in the brand new Book Sniffer abode, Le Chateaux Sniff.

My adventure began the week before last when I packed my knapsack with essential items (4 boney'o's, a snack sized Pepperami, a monocle just in case I need to look more sophisticated then usual, a hair net and a satin smoking jacket) and set off on a train to Edinburgh in Scotland to meet a real life American fiction author mr Don " The Speedos" Calame  . I arrived early so plenty of time to catch 40 winks before dinner - Well I would have had I not found out that the hotel I would be staying in was on the grounds of an old haunted Asylum! EEEEEEK! Here I am in my hotel room - not being able to take a nap for fear of being awoken by spooks of an unhinged nature!

I look slightly pale with fright!

Well I met up with Don and we had a fabulous time laughing and laughing into the small hours - Although I suspect he didn't understand a word I was saying!
Here is a picture of Don and I - Check out the video on his website to meet his dog Scooter - a very talented chap indeed!

In summary our tour of "the Burgh" consisted of several visits to Grey Friars Bobby - who was not much of a conversationalist, 2 creme brulee's NO deep fried Mars Bars, but many many many laughs and Don didn't even get into his Speedo's!

After a brief stop back at Book Sniffer towers to wash my under garments I headed to Hay on Wye to join the Lipsticklicous Emma Dodd - We usually have a giggle so I was muchly looking forward to catching up with her! Here I am with an amusing dog shaped bog brush - tre handsome but not mush conversation!

We went for a fabulous dinner during which we spent a great deal of time discussing the various talents of Mr Oliver Jeffers (Who was also appearing at Hay!) We must have stayed out until the wee small hours and had rather too much sweet sherry because no sooner had I returned to my B&B  than the landlady had tucked me up - Zzzzzzzzzz

Emma is such a good egg and we had Lot's a Lot's of fun at the festival and that was just when we couldn't find the toilets!

Here is a picture of Emma signing stacks of her fabby book Roman Rescue

Here's a picture of me enjoying said book in the garden of my B&B ...

Whilst at Hay we also met up with the following MOST charming chaps...Mr Don Calame...The Two Steves...Andrew "the skate boarding poet" Peters and Jason off the gadget show Bradbury who I fell ever so slightly head over heels in love with! SWOON what a nice chap!

On my return it was time to pack up Book Sniffer Towers and head for pastures new....alas who knew I could almost make myself a new house out of all of the boxes of books! well I'm all settled in my new home and here I am In my brand new colour coded picture book shelf -

can't wait to get back to sniffing and have a great big David Melling shaped blog of delight lined up for you at the weekend!

Night Night Book Sniffers!!


Monday, 23 May 2011

We are about to fire Paul Thurlby out of the Book Sniffing Quick Fire Cannon...3...2...1 BOOM!

Are you ready to be fired out of the quick fire cannon Paul? ...I thought not...here goes! 

  • Describe your style in three words - Bold, Retro, Fun.
  • Do you have a number one tip for budding illustrators? Create work you enjoy and hopefully others will too.
  • Ebooks Vs real books? Real books. I like the look and feel of them. I like looking for second hand books with great covers. They have character and a history.
  • Your most overly used phrase... I don’t have time for petty disputes.
  • What’s in your near future? Animals.
  • Cup of Tea? Yes, please. Milk, no sugar.
  • Who are your fave authors and illustrators at the moment? My favourite illustrator’s are Jim Flora, Hervé Morvan and Herbert Leupin. My favourite author is George Orwell.
  • Who or What is your inspiration? Survival.
  • Who would you most like to collaborate with? The Beatles, if it were possible.
  • What’s your fave biscuit? Dark Chocolate Digestive.
  • Best Christmas present you ever received... Action Man helicopter.
  • Do you have any hidden talents? / Party tricks? No, though I used to be able to bend my left hand little finger right back to touch my arm
  • most played three tracks on your MP3 player Fleet Foxes – Helplessness Blues, Depeche Mode – World In My Eyes, Tom Jones – It’s Not Unusual.
  • Which letter of the alphabet in your fabulous Alphabet book is your favourite – Mine in M..I can’t choose one. It will have to be a tie between E and R

    THANK YOU PAUL - you are a squire and a gentleman! I do hope you don't suffer any side effects from your quick fire experience!

    If you haven't already then CHECK OUT Paul's website - Smashing stuff!

    Keep your peepers peeled for Paul and Alphabet in Creative Review and Junior Magazines

Thursday, 5 May 2011

A lunchtime shindig with the dawgs at Maverick!

Well I never what a smashing day (apart from the rain which played havoc with my carefully coiffured barnet)
One spent the morning perusing the works at the Illustration Cupboard, they are about to start hanging an exhibition of Edward Ardizzone's work which is set to be a cracker - pop down if you happen to be in the area!
Dodging the rain and making an impromptu stop at Fortnum's to stock up on Gentleman's Relish I made my way to lunch with the fine folk at Maverick Publishing.

The pocket rocket that is Steve "Top Dawg" Bicknell welcomed me with open arms and promptly thrust a Gin and Tonic into ones hand. It was smashing to mingle with the guys, Natasha, Tricia and Kim were a delight and it was utterly smashing to meet author of The Fearsome Beastie Mr Giles Paley-Phillips (a thoroughly nice chap!)

After gobbling down a magnificent feast we sat back and listened to Steve rave about all the fab new books they have publishing in May!
The afternoon was polished off with a splendiferous creme brulee and by the time we had finished nattering the rain had stopped!

THANK YOU Steve and co for inviting me along to hear about your lovely books! and a special thanks with a cherry on top to Giles Paley-Phillips - Can't wait to read his next book!

A fearsome beastie? only if you try to share his pud!

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Who ate my porridge? was it YOU??? (a guest blog spot from a brand new character)

This is a picture of me accidently sitting on a cat.

I am the bear in a new book Leigh Hodgkinson is working on for the lovely Nosy Crows.
It is to be called "Goldilocks and the One Bear".
I am the One Bear.
I used to be little.
But now I am big.
I am all grown up.
That is life I suppose.
In the book I get lost and then I get dizzy and then I get hungry and then I get sleepy and then I get wide awake and then I meet up with an old friend (Goldilocks somebody or other) and then I eat some yummy porridge and then I go home.
That is also life I suppose.

I cannot deny that I like a spot of porridge. What is there not to like?
I don’t think the Book Sniffer is a porridge fan. I hear he preferes the odd croissant or two.
He doesn’t know what he is missing.
I won’t be going round to the Book Sniffers doggie kennel for breakfast anytime soon.
Not just because of the porridge thing- but also because I probably won’t fit in and it would be quite embarassing.

The book isn’t quite finished yet. I keep telling Leigh to hurry up but she doesn’t listen. It should be out next year. It will be a good book I think. A nice big size. I plan to use it as a tray to put my porridge on- but don’t tell her that.
ps. the spoon I am holding is my special porridge spoon. every bear has a special porridge spoon don't you know.


picture book website

animation website