'Prepare to be completely enveloped in a book which celebrates all that is magical about the natural world.'
Within the pages of this resplendent book lie a diverse and comprehensive collection of animals the likes of which you might only ever discover in the mesmeric corridors of the Natural History Museum.

The nostalgically fusty and delightfully antiquarian feel of the collection within these pages immediately transport the imagination through the galleries within the fictitious'Animalium' museum.
Case upon case of beautiful creatures unfurl from the pages, from Invertebrates to birds and beyond, no stone is left un-turned and you will feel notably enlightened by the bountiful, engaging and 'not-at-all-stuffy' facts.
The numerous exquisite naturalistic illustrations by Katie Scott are as awe inspiring and breathtaking as the creatures they represent and perfectly compliment the expertly and fastidiously curated annotations by author Jenny broom.
Be it for reference or pure unadulterated wonderment 'Animalium' is an essential addition to all home libraries. It will no doubt be adored by adults and children alike, a true celebration of the infinite value of a beautifully made book.
'Animalium' will be prowling, slithering and scuttling into book shops across the country this September,
it's sheer physical magnificence will have readers heaving copies off the shelves at break neck speed.

Follow innovative 'Animalium' creators
Jenny Broom (@broom_jenny)
& Katie Scott (@katiescottscott)
on Twitter
Jenny Broom (@broom_jenny)
& Katie Scott (@katiescottscott)
on Twitter
With thanks to @BigPicturePress
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