Tis that time of year again as I sit waiting patiently by the letter box awaiting the a veritable flood of pink and red envelopes filled with heart shaped sprinkles and cards from long forgotten admirers professing their continuing undying love.. Alas the door mat at Book Sniffer Towers remains bear (as yet…it’s still early) ..All is not lost, not by any means because the kind folk at Harper Collins have sent me a package brimming with amore …swoon
So join me fellow Sniffers as we perch upon our plumped up red velvet cushions scattered with a smattering of rose petals and stick out snouts well and truly into….
LOVE MONSTER - Written and illustrated by the utter delight Rachel Bright!
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OUT NOW in paperback at a very reasonable £6.99 |
As a hirsute of face and slightly googly eyed fellow myself it was a familiar heavy heart that I encountered the tale of the Love Monster.
This delightfully dishevelled monster who has the misfortune of making residence in a land entirely inhabited by cute and fluffy creatures. (I know how that feels)
Everybody loves a cute and fluffy creature non? Look at Paris Hilton and her handbag sized dog Tinkerbell.. Well all the cute and fluffy beings have someone to love them and Love Monster feels a longing in his heart for the same unconditional amore.
His quest begins, he hunts high, he hunts low, he hunts in out and middleish, one step away from signing up to a 6 month free trial with Match.com his desperate search continues until he reaches his darkest most miserable heart breaking moment and gives up on love all together. ..SOB (get your hankies out) …
Just as he has reached rock bottom and is about to head home on the last night bus (now that’s desperate ) he encounters an equally hairy and googly eyed lady monster and love blossoms thus proving that when you least expect and you’ve given up altogether googly eyed love is just around the corner.
Rachel is a phenomenal author / illustrator and her print inspired illustrations and quirky use of made-up-ish words indicate she is a picture book talent to keep a beady eye on in the future!
This is an utterly love-struck-cupids-arrow in the butt storming marvellous picture book which will be enjoyed by big and little pugs alike.
And don't forget ..even if the post man fails to deliver those cards to your house on Valentines day .. and the flowers and chocolates fail to appear.. The Book Sniffer LOVES you very much.. every single googly eyed one of you!
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