1- I lent him a pen at an event at Waterstone's Piccadilly a few years ago and I need it back
2 - I first met Oliver at the Ottakar's launch for the hardback of How to Catch a Star where
he pinched a display copy of his book off the table for me and signed it - I'd like to thank
him for that..He told me never to steal and that it was bad.. I never have.
3- The corner of aforementioned treasured signed hardback copy of How to Catch a Star
was chewed (gummed) on by my elderly 19 year old cat and I have been bereft
ever since... I might need a new one.
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The damage! |
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Yeah I chewed your Jeffers.. what of it? |
Hodgkinson and she's gutted she won't get her book signed so I'd like to do that for her.
5- He and I have similar moustaches - I'd like to compare notes on grooming
6- My copy of Stuck is still stuck up in a tree in the garden and I can't get it down so I
wonder if he could use my pen to help unwedge it
7- I play the kazoo he plays the Uke, I think we'd make a rather snazzy skiffle band
8- I have reviewed the Huey's here
9- My review for the Huey's started a new tend in "Jumper Lunges" I'd like to jumper lunge
for him by way of thanks
10- I have an App review blog too - The Heart and the Bottle was my fave app
11- My new born baby purchased a Heart in the Bottle necklace for me for Mothers Day this
year.. I'm still not sure who'd been giving him pocket money, and at 4 months old I'm not
entirely sure how he placed the order over the Internet
12- I brought one of each colour of the Great Paper Caper
13- I have pre-ordered This Moose Belongs to Me and told everyone I know to do the same
14- He beat me in a paper aeroplane flying competition at one of his book launches Id like
to quiz him about his paper folding techniques *cough cheat*
15- I frequently re-post content from his fabulous facebook page to great critical acclaim
16- We used to email each other about picture books we liked but lost touch when he went
to America-land
17- I have set up an Oliver Jeffers appreciation board on the Book Sniffer Pinterest account
18- Author Giles Paley-Phillips says "everyone who is anyone has to go on the booksniffer
because sniffing books is better than eating them "
19- Illustrator Emma Dodd says " Oliver You should visit on the Book sniffer Blog because
it's fantastic and entertaining and... Mr Pug is a HUGE fan ..... and loads and loads
of people read it...
20- Book Seller and Book Sniffer Robert Welton says "I want Oliver on the Book Sniffer blog
because A) my son only goes to sleep with his books... B) could any other author's
be as sweet, gentle and have that 'awwwwwwwww' factor... C) I bloody love lost
and found...
21- Actress Deborah Wastell says Oliver should appear on the Sniffer because all the
mummies and the mummies' friends love him. Fact.
22- Lottie Stoddart says "Oliver needs to meet the Book Sniffer because the Sniffer needs
advice on head wear and Jeffers is good at hats"
23- Rosi Book Eater wants us to let her know if he smells nice so we need to sniff him for
that reason alone... I imagine he smells of wood, chocolate and fine dark ale..... and
freshly sharpened pencils
24- I need to tell him how much I appreciate the hidden gems underneath the dust jackets
25- I have only had occasion to wear my bow tie once this year
26- Author Michelle Robinson says "Oliver should appear on the Sniffer "because he is the
King of working with children and animals, and you are both ;)" ...and there will
probably be cake. Come on, Jeffers. CAKE....AND who wouldn't want to be sniffed by a
pug, anyway?
27- He lives in America-land and we are curious to know about "grits"
28- I'm a Book Sniffer O'Donovan so I expect we are related somehow!
29- More from Author Michelle Robinson 'Because Book Sniffer is the most highly regarded
pug in children's publishing'
30- and MORE 'Because the pug had a large following of clever, attractive book buying
31- and morrrre from Michelle Robinson "and also, if he doesn't, we can accuse him of
being cruel to animal(s).
32- We have 1114 eager beaver followers on Facebok clamouring for your appearance on
the Book Sniffer blog !
33- Aimee Olley - Teacher from the Emerald Isle says "I have been looking at Oliver Jeffers
work in The New York Times recently. But my dog ate the paper.... And now I have
diddly Jeffers to look at. So please share with the people back East! "
34- We have ordered a truck load of Oliver "Jaffa" Cakes just in case he turns up for tea
35- Could you say no to this?
36- or this?
37- or this?
38- MORE from Michelle Robinson ... And a bit of intimate puggy probing will almost
definitely lead to his next brilliant book idea. Right?
39- I need a new photo of him..I accidentally took this one last time I saw him...
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Mario Testino eat your heart out! |
41- Now I'm stranded in the burbs there's no way I'll get to Edinburgh fest to see him!
42- I know the best pubs in Hay-on-Wye.. but I'll only tell if he appears on the Sniffer..
43- He can star in our "guys in bow ties" Book Sniffer photo gallery
44- I made a pledge to myself and wished upon a new years star that this year would be the
year that we got Jeffers on the blog.. so short of getting his name tattooed on my ample
butt, I'm not sure how else to do it!
45- From Illustrator Nicky OByrne "Because it would be fun. For everyone!"
46- From Illustrator Nicky OByrne "Because we need to find out what he smells like."
47- From Illustrator Nicky OByrne "Because of cake and biscuits."
48- The rainbow and the pot of gold definitely end here at Book Sniffer towers!
49- We'll name baby number two Huey!
50- I quite like his books..LIKE ALOT!
51- Bonus reason from Illustrator Kitty Dinners. "Because we love him?!"
52- Another bonus reason from Helen Boyle of TBK magazine .."Because it's the hippest, bookish, beauty of a blog bonanza and you serve lovely cakes..."
Well... that should do it then. What more is there to be said!
ReplyDeleteJaffa cakes all round and wait for the man himself to turn up!